我應該要更積極的投入課堂上的練習,別一直在比較ILAC & PGIC OR KJ
Different school and teachers have different way to teache student.
I should enjoy my class didn't think the PGIC or KJ teacher is better than ILAC.
I should keep to study English and use right grammar to talking and writing.
Try to do anything to improve your English in Vancouver.
I'm depressed about study English in Vancouver. My spelling and pronunciation is awful. I always nervous when I was talking with classmate or teacher. I need more confident by myself. What's happen with me? Maybe just don't think about anything , just do it and enjoy the monent. Try to spelling any word when I speak or write. I think that can improve my spell and pronunciation at same time.
3 則留言:
Hi there,
Greetings from PGIC- Vancouver. 我是學校溫哥華校區的輔導員. 妳的 blog 挺好的
我也為我們所有的台灣同學剛成立一個 blog. 因為是生手. 所以歡迎妳多指教. 若有空也請妳來留言 (http://mirandak66.eblogs.com). 我也會把妳的 blog 連結到我的. 給其它同學欣賞. 可以嗎?
Anyway, just want to say hi, it was fun visiting your blog.
Best wishes,
Miranda 12/08/2006
hello, Miranda: 我沒辦法連上你的網誌耶可否再給我一次你的網址嗎?
Hi Margo,
There's something wrong with my blog, but I've been too busy to take care that... what a terrible blogger! I'll build a new blog after Christmas. Once it's ready, I'll let you know! ^__^
Wish you a wonderful holiday! Keep in touch.